Bond with Baby Through a Belly Rub
Touch. It’s a sensation that says so much. A gentle caress, a warm embrace – these are ways you tell your wee babe that you love them.
Start this mama-baby connection long before your child is born through rubbing your belly while they are still in the womb.
It’s like sharing a moment, and a special time to say, “can’t wait to meet you.”
These calming belly rubs benefit both mama and baby, and we’ll tell you why.
For mama
As a soon to be parent, the action of rubbing your belly and soothing the baby is already a natural response to the joy you feel. Carrying a child is a gift, and despite the hardships of morning sickness, raging hormones, constipation, and changes in how well you sleep, the experience really is a love-filled journey.
So, it’s not surprising that you reach down and softly stroke your growing tummy several times a day, often without even thinking about it. But there are reasons that you should be caressing your baby bump.
It’s an early form of skin to skin
Even before your belly starts to grow, you feel a sense of happiness beyond compare. You want to touch your tummy and say hello to your babe. You may not see your wee one, or even feel them yet, but it’s time to enjoy the sensation of touch. It’s time to smile in anticipation of the baby within. Skin to skin contact is incredible when your baby is placed in your arms. Start to prepare for that joyful moment now.
Starting in the first few weeks of pregnancy and all throughout the beautiful journey, it’s essential to support your skin. Use a moisturizing balm like our Mama Belly Balm to help soothe the itchiness of your growing and stretching abdomen. Reduce the chance of stretch marks by supplying your skin with organic goodness through a soothing balm.
As your pregnancy progresses, you will feel comfort when you massage and ease the weight of your growing belly. As you feel your baby grow and you experience the first kick, you will naturally want to cradle your babe in your hands, through the skin. Hold your child now and start the bond.
For baby
Although studies are few as of yet, there is evidence that points to what we as the calm a mama tribe know: our babies sense we are there through our touch. Your precious one may be tiny, but they are developing, flourishing, and sprouting in leaps and bounds. Every moment you rub your tummy with feeling, you are spreading love to your child.
Isn’t that an incredible thought?
Your baby responds
Babies, whether inside the womb or out, like to be warm and enveloped in a secure environment. When you rub your belly and use a soothing voice to talk or sing softly to your child, you are caressing them with both your hands and your voice.
Doing so prepares your baby to naturally ease into the mother and child relationship the moment they leave the womb. Let’s imagine the incredible and miraculous process, shall we?
Your child is conceived and smaller than a seed. Gradually as they grow, your tummy swells. When you feel the first flutter of movement, the connection becomes even more real. You speak with your calm voice and gently massage with your hands in preparation for your wee one’s arrival. Additionally, closing your eyes and reflecting on the joy coming your way instills a sense of peace and thankfulness for both of you as you await the birth.
As well, taking the time to sit quietly and rub soothing balm on your stretching belly also induces a sense of calm in your child. A daily ritual of pacifying sounds and movement can make for a calm baby throughout the pregnancy and afterward, too.
Get acquainted
Carry this to the outside world when babe is born by continuing the sensation of touch through massage. Gently manipulate your baby’s skin with soft Baby Balm, and continue fostering the bond you started many months ago.
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